Today we’re are talking to Camilla Collins about ‘HOW DO YOU BUILD YOUR PERSONAL BRAND’. Camilla is the founder of multiple beauty & entertainment agencies & author of ‘no filter needed’


Q. So Camila to kick off, the big question, how do you build your personal brand?

A. By looking within instead of outside of yourself.

This is something I promote people to do all the time because I feel that now, more than ever, we live in a very distracting world that encourages us to seek things outside of ourselves.

We get distracted by what others are doing, compare ourselves regularly, and wind up trying to mold ourselves to other’s wants and needs.

All that does is dilute us.

We get lost amongst all the people trying to be like all the other people when instead, we should be going against the grain to stand out for the things that make us unique, and capitalising on our unique strengths and the distinctive qualities that we have.

Q. So what are the first steps you should take?

A. You should carve some time out with yourself, quietly with no distractions, and take inventory of everything you’ve experienced in your life.

And you won’t be able to do this in one sitting, it needs time, but it’s a process worth doing, I promise you!

By looking all the way back, from childhood to now, you will notice some patterns that highlight some solid strengths of yours and identify some areas of weakness.

You’ll see what you are truly passionate about and be able to identify your true values.

All this information will give you a better understanding of who you are, and how you work, and it’s this that will allow you to craft your message to the world to attract better relationships that are more in line with who you are - be that to potential employees, customers, and clients, or even friends or spouses.

Q. Once we’ve done that, what’s the next step?

A. So, once you’ve identified the things that make you awesome. You want to think about the best way to package it up and showcase it so that other people can identify and relate to you.

Think about what sort of mediums would showcase your personality in the best way, but also through which method of communication you will enjoy the most.

If you’re forcing yourself to do something in a way you don’t enjoy, then this will show through and have the opposite effect of what you’re trying to communicate.

You’ve got options.

You could communicate through writing blogs, through video, or maybe through images on social media - and yes, fonts, colours and logos can help you relate your message too.

But remember this is more the last piece of the puzzle, not the first!

Q. Ok, that’s interesting, and we can come back to the content you create and how to distribute it.

it’s all very well being my awesome self but will i not alienate some people?

A. Remember, your personal brand is putting your very best self forward and showcasing the best of you.

It should tell your story without you having to tell your story if that makes sense.

It’s a vibe, it gives off a particular energy, and yes, it will likely be polarising - attracting some and repelling others.

Don’t be afraid of repelling people, this is what you want because you only want the right people to be drawn to you otherwise you end up wasting time and energy with the wrong people and the wrong opportunities.

No one wins when you are trying to please all people, least of all yourself.

Q. Ok, that makes sense.

A. When you present yourself and your brand honestly, the right people will be drawn to you.

You want to put all your focus into your strengths, don’t worry about your areas of weaknesses, or the parts of you that you’re not such a fan of - we’ve all got those!

The wonderful thing about focusing on the positives, your passions, and what you value the most in life, is that all the other stuff falls away and becomes irrelevant.

Always lean into what makes you feel good, what brings you energy, and what motivates you.

And remember, your personal brand will always be a work in progress because you are constantly evolving and experiencing new things in life.

it’s not set in stone, and that’s the beauty of it.

As you become more self-aware by working on your personal brand you will naturally get more confident in building it and showcasing it.

Well, there you have it, advice from the expert.

So if you would like to reach out to Camila or have any questions for her please click on her contact link below.

Feel free to reach out to us for advice on how we can help grow your business, just hit the ‘FREE ADVICE’ link.


